After the Marathon

After the Marathon

You made it. You finished a marathon. Whether it’s your first or your fiftieth, the feeling is still the same: exhilaration, which, at some point, gives way to the tired, achy feeling that inevitably comes from logging more than 26 miles in a single stretch. Too often...
Keeping Healthy Without Medicines

Keeping Healthy Without Medicines

Are you struggling with failing health/ are you overweight or suffering from chronic fatigue?  Is your health steadily going down the drain?   Do you use oral and topical medications to suppress your eczema/psoriasis (side effects of corticosteroids)? Have you been on...
Explaining Food Cravings

Explaining Food Cravings

An enormous percentage of women crave sugar, carbohydrates, or alcohol. In most cases, these food cravings are not true eating disorders, but instead are signs of hormonal imbalance caused by a lack of healthy nutrition. Your personal issue may be the afternoon snack...
Meat Freak Versus Veggie Head

Meat Freak Versus Veggie Head

Have you wondered if you can get enough of the required nutrients through a vegetarian diet or, if you can maintain a healthy low-fat diet while still enjoying the benefits of meat? If you have, then, you’ll be happy to know that the answer to both of these questions...
A Walk a Day…

A Walk a Day…

The popularity of walking as a fitness activity is growing by leaps and bounds. In addition to being a low-risk activity and easy to start, the health benefits of walking has been proven in numerous studies. An eight-year study of 13,000 people found that those who...
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