10 Nutritious Foods To Keep You Warm This Winter

Dec 27, 2022 | Nutrition & Supplementation

Often it feels as if the general eating advice focuses mainly on what to ditch from your diet: This can turn into restriction, food fixation, and even dependence on supplements for must-have nutrients as opposed to, YA KNOW, actual food!

Think about the powerhouses you know and love in a new light. For instance, keeping a block of Parmesan; YES, a block in your fridge. Studies encourage you to grate it onto meals for added protein. Another dairy winner is yogurt because of the probiotics-protein combo. Probiotics aid digestion and make for a filling, faster, quick snack.

Moreover, if you are looking for some super healthy foods to help you keep warm in this frosty winter, you are reading the right article.   

So without further ado, let’s dive into the ten foods that will keep you warm these winters. 

 10 Nutritious Foods To Keep You Warm This WinterGinger Tea

Ginger is a diaphoretic, which warms your body from the inside out. Ginger improves digestive health and induces thermogenesis. The best way to consume ginger in winter is to make a heartwarming tea. 


Coffee contains caffeine which stimulates your metabolism and increases internal temperature. Although some studies show that cold coffee holds a superior amount of caffeine compared to a hot cup of Joe, we will side with a steaming Java as we are keeping ourselves warm this winter. 


Add a banana to your morning stitch for an energy and potassium boost! Bananas are high in Magnesium, Vitamin B, and Potassium, which makes them essential for thyroid and adrenal gland function. They can also improve your mood and memory, among other health advantages.

Sweet Potatoes 

Sweet potatoes add fiber and other nutrients to a warm meal and are rich in Vitamin A, Potassium, and Vitamin C. Research shows that sweet potatoes are also excellent for your body and eyes.


Make sure you drink lots of water this winter because it will help your body work properly and regulate your interior temperature. People drink less water when it’s chilly outdoors since they aren’t as thirsty, which may lead to dehydration. Dehydration causes a reduction in core temperature, which can induce hypothermia. It would be best to keep a water bottle with you as a reminder.

Red Meat

Low iron levels can cause cold hands and feet and fatigue. Red meats such as cattle, lamb, and hog contain reasonable quantities of iron. Red meat can also provide vitamin B12, which helps to maintain healthy neurons and an immune system.


Oats include a variety of nutrients in addition to keeping you full and warm. Oats are a good source of fiber and whole grains. Fiber can lower your cholesterol while also making you feel full.

Butternut Squash 

In the winter, butternut squash is a terrific way to keep warm. This autumn cuisine is high in Vitamins, Antioxidants, Minerals, and other essential elements. High quantities of Vitamin C and Potassium strengthen your immune system, while dietary fiber keeps your digestive tract healthy.

Minimize Your Alcohol Consumption 

Avoid drinking alcohol at tailgates and other outdoor activities to remain warm during winter. You may believe that a shot of whisky will keep you warm, but it lowers your core body temperature. Alcohol also hinders your capacity to shiver, which is your body’s natural response to boost its temperature.

Add Honey to Your Diet 

Honey offers several health advantages and can treat colds, coughs, and flu. People use it to treat digestive disorders, boost immunity, and improve skin. Honey can also keep you warm during the cold months.

Ending Words

Nutrition is optimizing your food to meet your specific health demands. A balanced diet and adequate nutrition help you live a happier and healthier life. Healthy-U-Academy provides dietary guidance to patients to help them manage chronic and complicated diseases. Contact Dr. Grimes today!

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