Have you noticed spring in the air?

It is that time when the lure of being outside in nature becomes almost irresistible. Whatever your favorite outdoor activity is, hiking, fishing, or kayaking, getting outside can be a great form of exercise, a time to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and retire to the calmness of nature. However, along with the increased time spent outdoors comes the inevitable scrapes and bug bites.

The next time you get a little banged up, take action by being prepared with an adequately supplied first aid kit. One approach is loading up with a number of items that will prevent and treat those expected bumps and bruises naturally. If you get sunburn, Aloe Vera is a plant you want to have around.

Homeopathy is an effective alternative therapy for common ailments and injuries. This practice of medicine, which has existed for more than two centuries, uses medicines that are natural substances found in plants, minerals, and animal products rather than synthesized in the laboratory.

Remedies are prepared to precise standards and work to stimulate the bodies natural immunity and ability to heal itself. There are a few homeopathic remedies that are a must to add to your natural first aid kit. These remedies are compact in size, easy to administer and extremely effective.

Arnica Montana

Arnica Montana is a great remedy for injuries, sprains, strains, and bruises, especially when a bruise accompanies the injury. Arnica also heals damaged tissue, benefits soreness and muscle stiffness resulting from injury, as well as stimulates rapid healing to relieve pain. Arnica can be taken orally or used as an ointment on topical bruises, sprains, and strains.

Apis Mellifica

Apis Mellifica can be used to aid the healing of redness, swelling, and burning sensations associated with bee stings, wasp stings, or other insect bites. Apis is also beneficial in treating swelling, skin redness, itching, or even shortness of breath when there is an allergic reaction to a bug bite or a food. Apis can be taken orally as a pellet, which is placed under the tongue and dissolves.


Glonine can be used for heat exhaustion, dehydration, or headaches caused by excessive sun exposure. Early signs of dehydration include fatigue or loss of energy, headache or body ache, dry mouth, irritability, dizziness, and dark urine. This remedy is helpful in restoring the body to its normal temperature. Glonine can be taken orally for best results.

Rescue remedy

Rescue remedy is a Bach Flower Remedy, created by Dr. Edward Bach that is made from the combination of five different flower essences. Rescue remedy restores emotional balance, and circumvents the cycle of stress. This works well in times of emotion stress, fear, fright, or anxiety after accidents or injuries. It comes in liquid form. A few drops may be added in water or placed directly on the tongue.


Calendula is made from African marigold. The flowers of the Calendula are one of the best herbs for treating local skin problems, such as scrapes and minor skin irritations. Calendula has aseptic properties, which means bacteria cannot grow in its presence. It reduces inflammation, soothes irritated skin, and promotes tissue healing which reduces the possibility of infection. Calendula can be purchased in the form of an oil or ointment and used topically.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a plant that has a mucilage or gel-like center. This center has strong healing properties and can be used topically on the skin to reduce swelling and itching. This gel, which can be used straight from the plant or purchased in the store, is also used to heal burns and minor skin abrasions. If you get sunburn, Aloe Vera is a plant you want to have around.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil, used topically, is an exceptional antiseptic, which means it kills bacteria. It is said to be both hypoallergenic and non-toxic, and may be used against bacteria and fungal conditions. It is important to dilute this oil since it is very potent. You can dilute 3 drops of tea tree oil into 20 drops of a carrier oil, such as grape seed oil, or into 2 tsp. of base cream, and then apply topically. Tea Tree Oil can also be added to calendula ointment, which is used topically to decrease infection and increase healing.

Even if you decide to take a more natural approach, make sure you have a basic first aid kit with the essentials such as Band-Aids and an Ace bandage. If you are pregnant, lactating, or have a serious illness, consult your physician, before undergoing any new medical interventions. Remember, in case of serious medical emergency or illness; get medical help as quickly as possible.

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