Tired Of Getting Sick? Try These Immunity Boosting Tips!

Mar 29, 2022 | Health and wellness | 0 comments

Are you looking for a stronger immune system? Studies show that there are smarter ways to protect yourself against disease than simply washing your hands or taking generic drugs. Your immune system isn’t a switch, it’s a network. Let’s talk about some tips you can try to keep it strong!

Signs Of A Weakened Immune System

  1. High levels of stress
  2. Frequent colds
  3. Digestive problems such as diarrhea, gas, or constipation 
  4. Slow-healing wounds
  5. Frequent infections
  6. Constant fatigue  

Focus On Micronutrients

Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals. Some examples of these are Vitamin B and magnesium. It’s widely believed that an inadequate intake of micronutrients is associated with compromised sleep quality. A lack of micronutrients can also cause a Decreased production of antimicrobial peptides and white blood cells. All of these are telltale signs of a weakened immune system. 

Keep Yourself Strong 

The most important thing that you can do is maintain healthy gut flora. This means incorporating probiotics into your daily routine. Probiotics help keep your gut running like a well-oiled machine. This, in return, reduces inflammation and is suggested to prevent infection. 

Fun Fact: Did you know that 70 percent of your immune system is found in your gut flora? Gut bacteria are essential! They help your body digest food, and studies suggest they also play a role in regulating your metabolism, weight, and immune system. 

Stay Active But Don’t Overdo It

Did you know that if you exercise too long or too hard, your immune system actually weakens? Instead of overworking yourself, try the 60/60 rule. You should only exercise for 60 minutes or less. Do this with an average intensity of 60 percent of your max heart rate. 


You can still do high-intensity workouts as long as you take it extra easy during the recovery periods. 

Put Out The Fire

Chronic inflammation is linked to many major diseases and can have a severe impact on your immune system. Try eating a balanced diet that limits the consumption of ultra-processed foods. This includes refined carbohydrates, soda, other sugar-sweetened beverages, and trans fats. If you are looking to combat chronic inflammation, try hydrogenated vegetable oil. Also, make it a point to consume fatty fish, berries, and nuts. 

Eat These Three Foods 


This common fungus contains a diversity of bioactive compounds. These compounds include polysaccharides, proteoglycans, terpenoids, phenolic compounds, and lectins. They are suggested to benefit the immune system through their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Black Rice

Black (or purple) rice are cultivars of the common rice species Oryza sativa. The deep purple color comes from the grain’s high concentration of anthocyanins, which is also the principal anthocyanin of other known immune-benefiting fruits like elderberry. 

Citrus Fruits

Studies suggest that Vitamin C increases the production of white blood cells. This is key to fighting off pathogens and supporting a healthy immune system. Almost all citrus fruits are high in Vitamin C. These fruits include oranges, lemons, and grapefruit. 

Science Says These Can’t Hurt

  • Eating kale and other leafy greens
  • Eating berries and other flavonoid-rich fruits
  • Taking cold showers
  • Consuming alcohol in moderation
  • Having Sex

Taking vitamin C supplements doesn’t reduce your risk of catching a cold. Supplements could also have various impurities because they aren’t closely regulated. Also, there haven’t been any rigorous, long-term clinical trials showing that probiotic supplements offer any tangible benefits for people who are already healthy. Probiotic foods like yogurt, kimchi, and miso may help, though. 

Before implementing any of these tips into your daily life, you should discuss it with your primary doctor to make sure it is safe and discuss if it would benefit your specific needs. Whenever you have a health question you need to be answered or a problem that needs to be treated, Dr. Grimes has got you covered. Become a member of our wellness platform to adopt healthy changes and improve your quality of life today!

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