Back Injuries in Golf

Back Injuries in Golf

Of the estimated 25 million golfers in America, up to 62% may suffer an injury while participating in golf. Back injuries are the most common injury in professional and amateur golfers, second to the bending and twisting of the golf swing creating considerable stress...
Ancient Chinese Secret, Huh?

Ancient Chinese Secret, Huh?

You may think of acupuncture as a new type of alternative medicine, however, it is one of the oldest types of medicine in the world, originating from China approximately 5,000 years ago. Acupuncture is the use of fine needles inserted on the body’s surface to...
Out Cold Turkey

Out Cold Turkey

One of the few things on Thanksgiving Day that is as automatic as the turkey dinner itself is the expected fight for couch space that follows the big meal. Most people know eating turkey makes you tired, but often stumble on the name of the substance within the bird...
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