Ancient Chinese Secret, Huh?

Ancient Chinese Secret, Huh?

You may think of acupuncture as a new type of alternative medicine, however, it is one of the oldest types of medicine in the world, originating from China approximately 5,000 years ago. Acupuncture is the use of fine needles inserted on the body’s surface to...
Using Sleep To Help You Lose Weight

Using Sleep To Help You Lose Weight

Do you find that you have been struggling to shed some of those pounds? If you have, you have probably also been having a go at some of those weight loss pills, a bit of dieting or maybe even a trip down to the gym a few times for that dreaded exercise routine. But...
The Remarkable Health Benefits of the Humble Pomegranate

The Remarkable Health Benefits of the Humble Pomegranate

The humble pomegranate is yet further proof of why the Mediterranean diet is being hailed as the healthiest diet in the world. For many centuries these rather unexciting and overlooked fruit have grown on fences all around the Mediterranean area and have been a...
The Fountain of Youth: Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

The Fountain of Youth: Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

HGH promotes a number of biological functions most of which are associated with the vitality of youth. HGH is responsible for the rapid growth and high metabolic rate we experience as teenagers. As we age past our thirties, there is a significant decline in the body’s...
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