Nutrition Rx for Injury and Rehab

Nutrition Rx for Injury and Rehab

Nutrition plays an essential role during an athlete’s rehabilitation period, especially for wound healing.  The key nutrients involved in wound healing include protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, and a variety of vitamins, and minerals. If one of these...
Don’t Be a Sore Loser

Don’t Be a Sore Loser

Delayed muscle soreness. It’s the name of the stiff pain you feel as you roll over and reach to turn off the morning alarm after a day in which you trained unusually hard or tried a new exercise. Some people feel there’s no better reward; others cease to...
Diggin’ in the Dirt

Diggin’ in the Dirt

Ever notice your neighbor’s well-kept yard? The details are hard to miss: grass that never strays taller than two inches, bright flowers that go unthreatened by overzealous weeds, colorful vegetables that peek out of bushes arranged in straight rows and, yes, the...
Cold War

Cold War

As the days get shorter and the temperatures start dropping, the signs of winter have made their presence known. Along with Mother Nature’s changes come other trademarks associated with winter’s arrival—coughs, colds, and runny noses. Instead of stocking up on lotion...
Celebrate Sensibly!

Celebrate Sensibly!

Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday season. This is the time of year filled with festivities, family gatherings, and parties – and along with all of these comes the inevitable eating, eating, and more eating. Some use the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day as...
Can’t Lose Weight? It May Not Be Your Fault!

Can’t Lose Weight? It May Not Be Your Fault!

Are you frustrated with your weight problem and don’t know what to do about it? Do you find that you lose weight at first, only to gain it all back later, and maybe more when you stop dieting, or when you find yourself bingeing? Are you fed up with weight loss...
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