Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday season.

This is the time of year filled with festivities, family gatherings, and parties – and along with all of these comes the inevitable eating, eating, and more eating. Some use the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day as an excuse to eat everything in sight.

We mask the guilt by whispering to ourselves that we will never eat chocolate or drink eggnog again – starting January 1!

Others prefer to avoid throwing away a year’s worth of treadmill sweat and celery sticks. But even these structured eaters and dedicated gym goers, have a difficult time dodging every tempting high-calorie, high-fat food at the office, in the home, and most of all, at holiday parties. Whoever said one bite doesn’t count was lying! Each and every bite does count.

To be precise, 3500 calories equals a pound. If you eat an extra 3500 calories a week from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day, you will have gained more than five pounds.

You may be surprised how quickly the calories add up eating festive finger foods – and even more surprised at how slowly they come off! Food Amount Calories Time To Work Off

Item Qty. Calories Burn Off Time
Pig in a blanket 2 556 57 min
Shrimp, large  36 4 min
Nuts    3 oz 525 53 min
Olives, large    5 25 3 min
Swiss chesse     2 oz 223 22 min
Wheat crackers      2 70 7 min
Raw vegetables    (4 baby carrots, 3 celery sticks, 4 radishes, 4 pepper slices) 32 3 min
Onion dip   1 tbsp  30  3 min
White wine    8 fl oz 165 17 min
Eggnog    8 fl oz 342 34 min
Holiday cookies   2 130 13 min
Fruitcake     1 piece 140 14 min
  TOTAL   2284  3 hrs, 48 min


Unfortunately, it isn’t easy getting through the holidays without putting on some extra weight. We won’t lie – it takes some effort, but staying true to your nutritional goals is possible with some minor adjustments to your normal holiday routine. It’s not always the stuffing and second helping of dessert that does us in.

Some of the seemingly innocuous bite-sized morsels can also pack a caloric punch. Picture yourself at the office holiday party. You start with a handful of peanuts, then ten minutes later sample a couple of crackers with cheese, and finally, finish the evening off with the annual glass of eggnog and two sugar cookies. That seems reasonable, right? Guess again. You just consumed 1290 calories – more than some of us need in a day! It would take more than two hours of exercise to work off those seemingly innocent snacks.

Cutting these calories can be very easy. The nuts found at most parties have probably been roasted in not-so-good oils. Try olives instead, they provide “good” fat and have fewer calories. If you must mingle by the food, head over to the shrimp cocktail or the platter of crudités. Cheese and crackers are very easy to overindulge in, so ditch the cheese and opt for the crackers. The veggies and dip are another good alternative, just don’t double dip. When it comes to cocktails, ask yourself if that eggnog is worth the corresponding 340-plus calories. Just a hint, if you’re still deliberating, a glass of wine contains a mere 165 calories. We are not expecting you to abstain from all treats, just limit yourself to one of the holiday cookies, not the whole plate.

These healthier alternatives reduce the calories consumed and may be more satisfying. So how do we win this six-week weight war?

Plan ahead. 

A few simple rules and a little preparation will help get you through the holidays without adding any inches to your waist.

Holiday hints that won’t leave you wanting more:

Never go to a party too hungry. If you do, you’ll end up gorging on the first thing that catches your eye. Pre-party snack foods should be high in protein because they take longer to digest and will keep you satisfied longer. Some good choices are sliced turkey, ½ cup of low-fat cottage cheese, or 1 tbsp. of natural peanut butter.

Drink water before you go to a party and before any meal. Water is always good for you, but for right now think of it as a filler – it truly helps fill your stomach and makes you full faster, thus reducing your caloric intake. When you arrive at a party scan the room for healthy options. You may find a lot of food you enjoy that is not high in fat and calories.

Look for cut up vegetables, grilled chicken, shrimp, or fresh fruit. Concentrate on your friends, colleagues, and family. If you are enjoying your company, you are less likely to make a beeline to the buffet.

Rather than snacking at the buffet table, put your food on a plate and mingle. You will have a better sense of how much you are eating and be less likely to nibble.

Finally, plan your treats. After all this is a festive time – and you can indulge a little. Pick your pleasure and enjoy!

Decide what one food is really worth it. Just don’t go back and sample everyone else’s pleasure too! Make each day as healthy as possible. If you know you are going to a party this evening, try to eat your favorite low-cal breakfast and lunch and skip the festively wrapped Hershey Kisses in the office. You will go to the party in control, and cruise into the new year without having to repeat last year’s resolution to lose those extra holiday pounds.

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