The Best Nuts To Snack On

Jul 31, 2022 | Nutrition & Supplementation

Crunchy, tasty, and filling, nuts are a fantastic snack to have with you when you’re at home or on the go. While nuts are avoided by some people due to their high-fat content, eating nuts actually provides you with a number of health benefits! 

With so many nuts to choose from, you’re likely wondering which nuts are the best to eat or which nuts are the best for something like weight loss. In this article, we’ll explore the health benefits of various nuts and also give you the basic nutritional facts so that you can decide which nut is the best for you to snack on.

Fun Nut Facts

Below are some of the nutritional benefits of nuts that will help you snack smarter.

Did you know? Nuts provide protein and are a substantial source of beneficial

polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that current research suggests should be part of your daily diet. Researchers have also found that the body may not absorb all of the calories in nuts. This means the net effect is less than the number of calories that you see on your food labels.

  • You process around 5 percent fewer calories when eating pistachios.
  • You process 21 percent less with walnuts.
  • Almonds are the lowest, with 32 percent fewer calories.

Nuts can be a solid base for trail mix, BUT if that mix includes any kind of candy, chocolate, or pretzel sticks, you’ve just ramped up your health snack’s sodium and sugar levels.

Keep in mind: There are a few different methods of roasting your nuts. “Dry” roasting doesn’t use any oil, but the other roasting methods do involve oil. However, the oils used in roasting have not been proven to alter the nuts’ nutritional profiles significantly.

Fun Fact: Studies suggest that eating nuts is associated with a lower risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, as well as a longer life span.

Nutritional Facts

Pistachios- 161 Calories

This is one of the lowest-calorie nuts available. One ounce of pistachios contains more potassium than half a banana. Pistachios also have a high level of vitamin B6, which assists your immune and nervous systems, and they’re great for blood flow.

Almonds-170 Calories

Almonds are among the nuts highest in fiber. They also have calcium and Vitamin E, which support eye and immune system health. Almonds are also one of the best nuts to choose from if you’re trying to lose weight.

Walnuts-180 Calories

Walnuts are packed with antioxidants that help decrease inflammation, and omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Walnuts also help your body produce more healthy bacteria in your stomach, improving your gut health.

Hazelnuts-183 Calories

Hazelnuts (also known as filberts) are a good source of healthy fats and have an abundance of phenolic compounds. These compounds have been linked to heart health and lower cholesterol levels. 

Brazil- 187 Calories

These nuts have more selenium than any other nut. Selenium is a mineral that acts as an antioxidant and is important for thyroid function and reproduction. So if you are having issues with either of these, grab a bag of brazil nuts.

Pecans- 201 Calories

This nut contains sixteen different vitamins and minerals. Pecans also have the most antioxidant flavonoids out of any nut.

Macadamias- 203 Calories

Macadamias are among the fattiest, highest-calorie nuts. The good news is that most of the fat is monounsaturated, which is one of the healthy fats your body requires.

Regardless of which nut you choose to snack on, just make sure you keep the benefits and nutritional facts in mind the next time you make your nut-buying choice.

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