The Scoop On Microwaves: Are They Healthy Or Not?

Aug 31, 2022 | Modifiable Health Risks

Whether you’re cooking up a little snack or an entire meal, there is one question that everyone who has used a microwave has thought about at least once before: does microwaving food make it less healthy? There are a few different points to consider when diving into the answer.

How Microwaves Work

Microwaves cause the food’s water molecules to vibrate, producing the heat that cooks the food. Contrary to popular belief that microwaves cook from the inside out, they actually heat the outer layers first before anything else. Then, the heat is transferred to the inner portions. That’s why sometimes, if you don’t cook something for long enough, you can end up with a cold or undercooked middle and burning hot edges. 

Safe Practices

Make sure to follow proper maintenance rules in the manual that comes with your particular microwave model. Also, make sure to stand away from a microwave when it is in use. This significantly reduces your exposure to radiation. 

Did You Know?

Cooking food in the microwave does NOT reduce the nutritional value any more than conventional cooking. In fact, some studies conducted in 2019 show that microwaving could even increase the nutritional content of most flavonoids, which are compounds linked to a reduced risk of heart disease. Microwaving food even appeared to be a better way to preserve flavonoids than steaming.

Energy Efficient

Compared with other cooking methods that are often used, microwaves use much less energy than most. Microwave ovens cook foods faster, and the energy used goes only toward heating the food instead of all of the space surrounding it. Less time and energy expended means that this method is also one of the least expensive to use. 

Healthy Choice

Using as little water as necessary is essential when cooking vegetables. If you use too much water, you’ll run the risk of losing a lot of healthy vitamins and nutrients. Steaming your vegetables can help preserve the nutrients better as long as you don’t overdo it with the water level. 

Safe Microwave User Guide

Here are some safety tips that you should make sure that you follow every time that you use the microwave.

  1. Use microwave-safe containers only. An excellent way to check to see if a container is microwave safe is by looking on the bottom for symbols. If you see the number three with either the letters “V” or “PVC” next to it, do not microwave it.
  2. Don’t heat food or liquids in plastics unless you know it is made of microwave-safe plastic. It’s better to try ceramic or glass containers or lids instead.
  3. Heat liquids just up to boiling and no higher to help prevent scalding or burning.
  4. Always check to make sure that what you’re cooking isn’t raw in the middle, especially if you’re dealing with meat. 
  5. Stand away from the microwave when it’s on. 
  6. While the actual microwave doesn’t decrease the nutritional value of your food at all, microwaving your food with plastics or standing too close to your microwave for too long can be harmful. As long as you follow the tips listed above, microwaving your food is just as good for you as cooking your food any other way. 

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