What Are The Nutritional Differences For Different Types Of Eggs?

Nov 15, 2022 | Body Health & Fitness

Did You Know? The color of an eggshell depends on the chicken breed. There are several widespread myths about the nutritional value of various varieties of eggs. Some individuals believe that brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs. Label claims like “Pasture-Raised,” “Free-Range,” “Conventional,” “Organic” and “Cage-Free,” only relate to the method of farming the eggs.  

The Theory behind Color of Eggshell  

The color of the eggs produced by the hen will be determined by her breed. Leghorn chickens lay white eggs, Ameraucanas blue eggs, and Orpingtons brown eggs. 

 An Olive Egger, a chicken that lays olive green eggs, is the offspring of a brown egg-laying hen and a blue egg-laying rooster. Isn’t it interesting?  

Do Different Colored Eggs have Different Nutritional Value?  

There is no such difference between the nutritional values of different colored eggs, however, size and yolk color can tell a lot. 

Medium eggs have 60 calories and 6 g of protein whereas “Jumbo” eggs have 90 calories and 8 g of protein. According to the USDA, the nutritional contents in white and brown shell eggs are not considerably different. Due to exposure to sunshine, eggs from free-range chickens permitted to wander outside have a greater vitamin D concentration.

According to studies published in the British Journal of Nutrition, brown eggs are heavier and contain more shell and egg white (albumen) than white eggs. There is no evidence that white or brown eggs taste better in general. Because of these considerations, a person can determine whether they like brown or white eggs.

Egg Yolks- The Nutrition Treasure of Egg  

A single egg has an astonishing 43 grams of protein, the majority of which is immediately accessible. They include fatty acids like EPA, DHA, and ALA, as well as the vitamins A, K, D, and E. Similar levels of iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, choline, phosphorus and several B vitamins are also present in trace amounts.

Does the Egg Yolk Color Matter? 

Have you ever questioned whether the yolk of an egg differs in color from the shell? Does it matter what color an egg is if its nutritional value is unaffected by it? Let’s figure it out!

The color of the yolk can reveal a lot about the nutritional value of the egg. According to research, darker and more colorful egg yolks, particularly those from pasture-raised chickens, can contain more vitamins and omega-3s. Incorporating chia seeds into a hen’s diet has also been shown to result in a darker yolk. 

The color of the yolk is an excellent sign of the mother hen’s health and the amount of protein and fat she is giving her young chick. How rich a hen’s diet is in carotenoids (orange-yellow-red pigments) found in flowers, nuts, and vegetables is what determines yolk shade.

Some cooks believe that darker yolks (orange) would have a more vivid flavor than lighter ones. The nutritional content of the egg does not alter depending on its color.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing Eggs 

When shopping for eggs, you should consider freshness and quality. When purchasing eggs, the USDA recommends that customers consider the following factors: 

  • Refrigerate immediately after purchasing.
  • For quality and size, look for the USDA-grade seal and shield.
  • Only buy eggs that have been refrigerated by the merchant. 

Here are some other factors to consider before buying eggs:  

Buy Cage-free Eggs  

The USDA shield is shown on cage-free eggs. Throughout the egg-laying cycle, hens must have unrestricted access to water, food, and the ability to explore their territory.

 The USDA does not mandate that cage-free chickens have access to the outside world. Eggs from cage-free birds are more nutrient-dense.

Buy Eggs without Antibiotics 

Egg producers that grow their hens without antibiotics can boost the quantity of omega-3, vitamins, fatty acids, protein, and other nutrients in their eggs. To enhance their consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, hens’ diets may include, fish oils, algae, or flaxseed.

Buy Certified Organic Eggs  

Uncaged chickens with access to outdoor space and freedom to roam their homes lay certified organic eggs. The chickens eat an organic diet. They are raised in an environment that promotes the best possible growth and development of all organisms, a word that the USDA closely oversees. These eggs have immense nutritional value than farmed eggs! 

Key Takeaways  

  • Always select fresh eggs that are kept in a refrigerator by stores. 
  • Similar nutrients can be found in both brown and white eggs, and the health advantages are independent of the color of the egg’s shell. 
  • Some farmers supplement the diets of their hens with vitamins, other nutrients, and omega-3 fatty acids which can yield more nutrient-dense eggs. 
  • People should prefer eggs from chickens who have greater freedom to wander and experience less stress.

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