Everyday we kickbox, spin, and aerobicize in the hopes of burning more calories.

But when life’s mundane responsibilities like washing the floor, vacuuming the carpet, or washing the windows make it difficult to find time for that super charged workout, you beat yourself up with feelings of guilt. First, get rid of the guilt!

Sometimes, you just can’t do it all-or can you? By turning life’s leisure activities and chores into workouts, you can accomplish two goals at once and feel twice as good.

When multiple responsibilities have you strapped for time, try to focus on doing the daily activities that bring you joy or accomplishment and turn them into bonus workouts. There are many ways to achieve this balance-it just takes some creativity.

You really want to catch up with a friend but feel compelled to burn off the Hershey’s kisses you ate all day at the office? Why not go dancing? Or, on Sunday morning try raking the leaves you have been praying would just blow away…or, go for a walk with your kids.

And just how many calories do all these activities of daily living (ADL’s) truly burn?
You will be surprised! Activity Calories Burned Per Hour Based on a 150-pound person

  • Gardening 475
  • Dancing 305
  • Raking Leaves 270
  • Shoveling dirt or digging 580
  • Mowing the lawn (power mower) 305
  • Splitting wood 410
  • Climbing stairs 610     

Source: Nutrition Action Health Letter, January/February 1999. The balance between working out, eating a healthy and balanced diet, and maintaining a fruitful, satisfying life is hard to accomplish. By spending a day being active in other ways than on an exercise machine, you may realize that you are a lot more industrious, content person and probably will burn the same amount of calories anyway!

Even when you do have time for a workout, you may find more value by tying your workout in with quality time with your spouse, friend, or child. Again, a little creativity can go a long way toward burning calories while performing some common workouts that you may just want to bring someone else along for.

Activity Calories Burned Per Hour Based on a 150-pound person

  • Walking (slow pace 2 mph) 170
  • Walking (brisk pace 4 mph) 270
  • Cycling (leisurely pace) 235
  • Cycling (fast pace) 475
  • Running (moderate pace 6 mph) 680
  • Running (brisk pace 8 mph) 920
  • Skiing (downhill) 340
  • Skiing (cross country) 610
  • Weight Training 205
  • Aerobic Dance (vigorous) 475
  • Yoga 170
  • Skating (in-line or ice) 475
  • Jumping Rope (moderate – hard) 680
  • Swimming (moderate) 545
  • Swimming (laps, vigorous) 680
  • Soccer (casual) 475
  • Golf (walking with bag) 375
  • Tennis (competitive) 475
  • Racquetball or squash (casual) 475    

Source: Nutrition Action Health Letter, January/February 1999.The next time you are feeling unmotivated to take your dog for a walk or play your friend in tennis, just remember, all the calories you burn off-no matter how you burn them-add up! Studies have shown that burning 1,000 calories a week through exercise not only helps to maintain and/or lose weight, but lowers your risk of diseases such as certain type of cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.Use the information we’ve provided to set a goal of burning 500 – 1,000 calories a week through daily activities.

Not only will you be a happier person by balancing daily responsibilities with working out, and spending quality time with friends and family but you truly will be taking care of your health.

Here are some simple ways to burn a few more calories each day without going to the gym: Take the stairs, whenever possible Get out of your chair to speak to an office mate instead of e-mailing Bike or walk to work, if possible Take a 15 minute power walk during your lunch break Play with your dog Clean your house (a 130-pound person will burn 3.8 calories per minute vacuuming and 6.4 calories per minute scrubbing the floor)

The next time your kitchen floor screams, “clean me”, instead of running to the gym, turn on the tunes and create your own workout while scrubbing. You’ll end up peeling off layers of dirt while working off layers of fat!

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