Crunch Your Way to a Stronger, Tighter Midsection

Crunch Your Way to a Stronger, Tighter Midsection

Turn on the TV and you’re likely to come across an infomercial trying to sell you the latest product or video guaranteed to flatten and tone your stomach. For just $29.95 (and up), you too can have a washboard stomach or “abs of steel.”  While there...
Setting Goals

Setting Goals

Are you having trouble fitting into your clothes? Have you strayed from your exercise routine? Have you eaten more desserts than you can remember? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it may be time for you to start setting some new fitness goals. Oh,...
Best Time To Exercise

Best Time To Exercise

Contrary to popular belief, women are not the only ones with biological clocks. We all have them, and heed their ticking on a daily basis. If you exercise regularly, you may have already determined your most productive time to exercise. On the other hand, if your...
America Needs an Attitude Adjustment

America Needs an Attitude Adjustment

To say that most Americans are concerned about their weight is an understatement. Obsessed is more like it, and we spend more than $50 billion per year feeding that obsession. And for what? To achieve an impossible ideal of thinness and beauty that is virtually...
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