The Proper Use of Ice and Heat

The Proper Use of Ice and Heat

How and when should ice be used? Ice is commonly used to treat injuries. It reduces swelling and alleviates or decreases pain. The vasodilation and vasoconstriction associated with the use of ice help decrease the inflammation. Ice should be used within the first...
Over Training

Over Training

Over training, sometimes known as Over Training Syndrome, is a rather common problem among athletes. The over-trained athlete’s body has become abused and egulatory mechanisms of the body can not return back to “normal” during the one or two days of...
Oh, My Aching Back!

Oh, My Aching Back!

Spine surgeons face a difficult choice when their patients continue to suffer low back pain despite a successful spine surgery: reoperation or spinal cord stimulation? To help spine surgeons answer this question with greater certainty, the National Spine Network (NSN)...
Tissue Town

Tissue Town

Eczema, also known as a topic dermatitis is characterized by a red itchy rash that is scaly and is oozing in some cases. The condition can appear on the arms and legs, cheeks, forehead, and in body parts such as knees and elbows where there are creases. In some cases,...
Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a noninflammatory disorder of the movable joints. It is characterized by two features: loss of articular cartilage and formation of new bone at the joint surfaces and margins. Structural abnormalities, excessive stress, and repetitive stresses...
What Does the Endocrine System Do?

What Does the Endocrine System Do?

Once a hormone is secreted, it travels from the endocrine gland through the bloodstream to the cells designed to receive its message. These cells are called target cells. Along the way to the target cells, special proteins bind to some of the hormones. The special...
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