Does Circuit Training Exercise Burn Calories?

Does Circuit Training Exercise Burn Calories?

There’s no doubt that hydraulic circuit training health clubs are more popular than ever before. With over 10,000 of these gyms dotting the American landscape, men and women alike are finding circuit training exercise to be relatively easy and certainly...
Can Exercise Reduce Your Risk of Catching a Cold?

Can Exercise Reduce Your Risk of Catching a Cold?

Sir William Osler, the famous Canadian medical doctor, once quipped, “There’s only one way to treat the common cold—with contempt.” And for good reason. The average adult has two to three respiratory infections each year. That number jumps to six or seven for young...
Before You Start an Exercise Program…

Before You Start an Exercise Program…

Question Yourself Your first step is to ask yourself how active you want to be. This may sound like a silly question – you are probably planning on doing whatever you are capable of, whether that is a slow walk around the block or a vigorous step class. But if...
Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Inflammation is the immune systems way of defending against infection and disease. Sometimes your body can be thrown-out-of-balance by the foods we consume, pollutants or the lifestyle you lead. This can cause the immune system to produce excess inflammation and...
The Proper Use of Ice and Heat

The Proper Use of Ice and Heat

How and when should ice be used? Ice is commonly used to treat injuries. It reduces swelling and alleviates or decreases pain. The vasodilation and vasoconstriction associated with the use of ice help decrease the inflammation. Ice should be used within the first...
Over Training

Over Training

Over training, sometimes known as Over Training Syndrome, is a rather common problem among athletes. The over-trained athlete’s body has become abused and egulatory mechanisms of the body can not return back to “normal” during the one or two days of...
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