Can Exercise Reduce Your Risk of Catching a Cold?

Can Exercise Reduce Your Risk of Catching a Cold?

Sir William Osler, the famous Canadian medical doctor, once quipped, “There’s only one way to treat the common cold—with contempt.” And for good reason. The average adult has two to three respiratory infections each year. That number jumps to six or seven for young...
Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Inflammation is the immune systems way of defending against infection and disease. Sometimes your body can be thrown-out-of-balance by the foods we consume, pollutants or the lifestyle you lead. This can cause the immune system to produce excess inflammation and...
Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a noninflammatory disorder of the movable joints. It is characterized by two features: loss of articular cartilage and formation of new bone at the joint surfaces and margins. Structural abnormalities, excessive stress, and repetitive stresses...
Setting Goals

Setting Goals

Are you having trouble fitting into your clothes? Have you strayed from your exercise routine? Have you eaten more desserts than you can remember? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it may be time for you to start setting some new fitness goals. Oh,...
All About Vitamins – For Better Nutrition And Life!

All About Vitamins – For Better Nutrition And Life!

For those who want to find out more about vitamins, it can be confusing, especially when you are trying to figure out the right type of supplements that one needs to take. In spite of all the times that we have been told, at one point of time or another, that if we...
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