Calorie Burners: Activities That Turn Up the Heat

Calorie Burners: Activities That Turn Up the Heat

When it comes to burning calories, most of us want to get as much mileage out of our exercise as possible. For many, the more calories we burn, the better we feel about our workout. While energy expenditure should not be the only measure of a good workout (remember,...
Explaining Food Cravings

Explaining Food Cravings

An enormous percentage of women crave sugar, carbohydrates, or alcohol. In most cases, these food cravings are not true eating disorders, but instead are signs of hormonal imbalance caused by a lack of healthy nutrition. Your personal issue may be the afternoon snack...
Why Is The Elliptical Trainer So Hot?

Why Is The Elliptical Trainer So Hot?

Since its introduction the elliptical trainer has continued to move to the forefront of popularity in gyms everywhere. Most trainers agree that the elliptical is the best device for cardiovascular training. Besides being very easy on the joints there are other reasons...
Best Time To Exercise

Best Time To Exercise

Contrary to popular belief, women are not the only ones with biological clocks. We all have them, and heed their ticking on a daily basis. If you exercise regularly, you may have already determined your most productive time to exercise. On the other hand, if your...
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