Before You Start an Exercise Program…

Before You Start an Exercise Program…

Question Yourself Your first step is to ask yourself how active you want to be. This may sound like a silly question – you are probably planning on doing whatever you are capable of, whether that is a slow walk around the block or a vigorous step class. But if...
Crunch Your Way to a Stronger, Tighter Midsection

Crunch Your Way to a Stronger, Tighter Midsection

Turn on the TV and you’re likely to come across an infomercial trying to sell you the latest product or video guaranteed to flatten and tone your stomach. For just $29.95 (and up), you too can have a washboard stomach or “abs of steel.”  While there...
From the Inside Out

From the Inside Out

Detoxification is a word you are probably hearing more frequently these days. In the past, if someone said they were “going on a detox,” most would assume they had an alcohol or drug addiction. Recently, detoxification has taken on a new meaning with...
Setting Goals

Setting Goals

Are you having trouble fitting into your clothes? Have you strayed from your exercise routine? Have you eaten more desserts than you can remember? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it may be time for you to start setting some new fitness goals. Oh,...
Explaining Food Cravings

Explaining Food Cravings

An enormous percentage of women crave sugar, carbohydrates, or alcohol. In most cases, these food cravings are not true eating disorders, but instead are signs of hormonal imbalance caused by a lack of healthy nutrition. Your personal issue may be the afternoon snack...
A Walk a Day…

A Walk a Day…

The popularity of walking as a fitness activity is growing by leaps and bounds. In addition to being a low-risk activity and easy to start, the health benefits of walking has been proven in numerous studies. An eight-year study of 13,000 people found that those who...
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