Detoxification is a word you are probably hearing more frequently these days.

In the past, if someone said they were “going on a detox,” most would assume they had an alcohol or drug addiction.

Recently, detoxification has taken on a new meaning with individuals embarking on detoxification programs to improve their health and reach a perfect state of optimal wellness.

What is detoxification?

Detoxification is a chemical process, which discharges poisons from the body. A series of techniques can be used for enhancing the body’s own avenues of elimination, but the primary goal of a detoxification program is to minimize toxic entry and maximize toxic elimination. Why do we need detoxification?It is now widely accepted that many man-made compounds are damaging to the body. With toxic effects ranging from respiratory irritation to cancer, pollution impacts the food chain worldwide. Pesticide poisoning, second hand cigarette smoke, and asbestos particles in our homes and offices can result in devastating long term influence on our bodies. This does not mean the situation is hopeless, just that we should take steps to help minimize the impact of the toxins in and around us.How does our body detoxify?

As a general rule, three organs are involved in detoxification: the liver, the small intestine, and the kidneys. Other organs assisting in the process of eliminating neutralized chemicals include the lungs, skin, large intestine, kidneys, and lymphatic circulation Is there only one way to detox?

Detoxification techniques include a spectrum of approaches ranging from vitamin and mineral supplementation, specific dietary strategies, non-nutritive supplemental support, botanical medicines, oral and intravenous chelation therapy, exercise, hydrotherapy techniques, and manual therapies. To determine if detoxification is necessary, a naturopathic physician would employ laboratory tests, physical examination, and medical history inquiries.

Is some cleansing tea all I need? As often happens, the latest buzzwords attract many that see an opportunity to sell. There are many products that claim to detoxify the body. Some are legitimate and others are not. To be most effective, a detoxification program needs to address lifestyle, home and work environment, diet, water and air quality, and nutritional support.

The program may also include implementing medical techniques and assessments. For most, rather than wasting time and money on products that may or may not be effective, consulting a naturopathic physician that specializes in detoxification is advised. Think of it for a moment. Each day we are exposed to chemical poisons in our environment as well as inside our bodies-pollutants abound in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, and the medications we take. In addition to exposure at work and in the home, the body generates its own toxins during the normal course of the day.

Cleansing our bodies of these insidious toxins should be as commonplace as showering. The next time you suds up, think about how you can purify the inside with the same zest as the outside.

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