Are you having trouble fitting into your clothes?
Have you strayed from your exercise routine?
Have you eaten more desserts than you can remember?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it may be time for you to start setting some new fitness goals.

Oh, you moan and groan, but every day you have a chance to adopt a new healthy habit. It’s a new year! What is that year going to mean to you? What have you been putting on hold? If you could accomplish anything, what would it be? Start thinking! The first step in setting fitness goals is brainstorming.

Write down as many goals as you can think of. Even if your goals seem hard to reach, write them down. Next, determine what ones are most important to you, and what you want to accomplish first. Be motivated! Making a change requires a lot of motivation, so you have to want to accomplish your goal more than eating that chocolate cake or sleeping in a little longer in the morning.

Think of the obstacles you may face whether they are from you or an external source, and how you will clear these barriers. It takes a plan! Set a long-term realistic goal (six months-one year) you would like to accomplish. Visualize not only how you will look, but how you will feel, and the kind of life you want to lead. Next, make a reasonable short-term reasonable goal (three month), and most importantly a 30-day ambition to make or break three habits. Get help!

Consult with a personal trainer and/or nutritionist for extra motivation and guidance to help you accomplish your goals. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who also may be making changes in their life. Help and encouragement is all around, you just have to look for it. Start moving! No one ever sat their way to success. Start moving toward your goals—instead of worrying about where to start, or how long it will take to accomplish them.

It’s easier to accomplish your objective when you are active and enjoying yourself. Realizing your goals requires hard work, but it’s well worth it if you’re having fun at the same time. Pat yourself on the back! Review your progress often. Post your goals where you can see them, and let everyone know when you accomplish them.

Keep a daily journal of how you feel and write three positive steps you took toward accomplishing your goal and one thing to improve on. There will be times when you feel less committed. Look back in your diary to see how far you have come for some personal kudos and encouragement. The most important thing in setting and achieving goals is not to expect perfection, but to constantly improve. Revise your program if you are not achieving your goals. But most importantly, stay motivated, be positive, and believe in yourself!

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